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发布日期:2017-09-05 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

CMTM(CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing family),原名CKLFSF(Chemokine-like factor super family)是www.28365365.com于2003年在国际上首次报道的基因家族。在人类,该家族包括9个基因,即:CKLFChemokine-like factor)和CMTM1-8CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing member 1-8)(原名CKLFSF1-8)(1,2)。CMTM家族基因多具有不同的剪接体,对每个基因而言,其中至少一种剪接体的编码产物具有MARVEL(MAL Related proteins for Vesicle trafficking and membrane Link domain)结构域。MARVEL结构域是由Sánchez-Pulid于2002年在Trends Biochem Sci杂志根据序列结构比对分析提出的概念,含有这一结构域的分子包括MAL、Physin、Gyrin 以及 Occludin等家族成员,参与蛋白转运、细胞间紧密连接形成等,具有重要的生理、病理作用(3)。本中心的系列研究表明,CMTM家族在免疫系统、男性生殖系统发挥重要作用,并参与肿瘤的发生、发展。其中CMTM3、CMTM4、CMTM5、CMTM7具有抑癌基因的表达和功能特点(4,5,6,7),CMTM3、CMTM7定位于细胞质膜和早期内体,与早期内体标志物Rab5、EEA1共定位,通过增强Rab5活性和早期内体融合,促进EGFR内化、降解,发挥抑癌功能(8,9);日本学者发现CMTM7作为BCR与BLNK的接头分子,参与BCR信号转导(10荷兰学者发现CMTM3定位于早期内体,促进VE-cadherin内化、降解,调控血管生成(11)。

2017年8月16号,两篇文章同日在Nature上线发表,通过不同技术路线发现CMTM4/CMTM6与PD-L1(Programmed death-ligand 1存在相互作用,增加其稳定性,增强肿瘤细胞抑制免疫应答的能力,是新的肿瘤免疫治疗靶点。PD-L1高表达于肿瘤细胞,通过与T细胞膜上的PD-1(Programmed death protein 1)相互作用,抑制抗原特异性CD8+T细胞的功能,帮助肿瘤逃避机体免疫系统的识别和攻击。目前,阻断PD-L1- PD-1的相互作用是肿瘤免疫治疗的热点,FDA批准多种针对PD-L1、PD-1的抗体上市,在肿瘤免疫治疗中取得了巨大成功。尽管肿瘤微环境内细胞表达的PD-L1具有关键作用,但对PD-L1调节的研究仍然有限。鉴于此,两组研究人员分别利用全基因组CRISPR–Cas9筛选及基于荧光激活细胞分选技术的单倍体基因筛查,共同发现CMTM6是调控PD-L1稳定性的关键蛋白。澳大利亚学者证明CMTM6与PD-L1存在相互作用,二者共定位于质膜和循环内体,CMTM6保护PD-L1免受溶酶体介导的降解;抑制CMTM6表达能够下调PD-L1、显著降低肿瘤细胞对T细胞活性的抑制能力,但不影响MHC I类分子在细胞表面的表达。荷兰学者证明CMTM6与PD-L1在质膜存在相互作用,CMTM6抑制PD-L1泛素化,延长其半衰期;与CMTM6的功能相似,CMTM4同样具有调控PD-L1的功能,是PD-L1的备用调控分子(12,13





1.  Han W, et al. Molecular cloning and characterization of chemokine-like factor 1 (CKLF1), a novel human cytokine with unique structure and potential chemotactic activity. Biochem J. 2001 Jul 1; 357(Pt 1):127-35.

2.  Han W, et al. Identification of eight genes encoding chemokine-like factor superfamily members 1-8 (CKLFSF1-8) by in silico cloning and experimental validation. Genomics. 2003 Jun; 81(6):609-17.

3. Sánchez-Pulido L, et al. MARVEL: a conserved domain involved in membrane apposition events. Trends Biochem Sci. 2002 Dec;27(12):599-601.

4. Wang Y, et al. CMTM3, located at the critical tumor suppressor locus 16q22.1, is silenced by CpG methylation in carcinomas and inhibits tumor cell growth through inducing apoptosis. Cancer Res. 2009 Jun 15;69(12):5194-201.

5. Li T, et al. CMTM4 is frequently downregulated and functions as a tumour suppressor in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2015 Oct 16;34:122.

6. Shao L, et al. CMTM5 exhibits tumor suppressor activities and is frequently silenced by methylation in carcinoma cell lines. Clin Cancer Res. 2007 Oct 1;13(19):5756-62.

7. Li H, et al. A novel 3p22.3 gene CMTM7 represses oncogenic EGFR signaling and inhibits cancer cell growth. Oncogene. 2014 Jun 12;33(24):3109-18.

8. Yuan W, et al. CMTM3 decreases EGFR expression and EGF-mediated tumorigenicity by promoting Rab5 activity in gastric cancer. Cancer Lett. 2017 Feb 1;386:77-86.

9. Liu B, et al. CMTM7 knockdown increases tumorigenicity of human non-small cell lung cancer cells and EGFR-AKT signaling by reducing Rab5 activation. Oncotarget. 2015 Dec 1;6(38):41092-107.

10. Miyazaki A, et al. Identification of CMTM7 as a transmembrane linker of BLNK and the B-cell receptor. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e31829.

11. Chrifi I, et al. CMTM3 (CKLF-Like Marvel Transmembrane Domain 3) Mediates Angiogenesis by Regulating Cell Surface Availability of VE-Cadherin in Endothelial Adherens Junctions. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2017 Jun;37(6):1098-1114.

12. Burr ML, et al. CMTM6 maintains the expression of PD-L1 and regulates anti-tumour immunity. Nature. 2017 Aug 16. doi: 10.1038/nature23643.

13. Mezzadra R, et al. Identification of CMTM6 and CMTM4 as PD-L1 protein regulators.Nature. 2017 Aug 16. doi: 10.1038/nature23669.

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